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Worried About Your Health A Lot? 

“I’ve tried everything.” “I just want some results.” “I know healing takes time, but I’ve been dealing with this for years.”

Are you already taking a lot of supplements and trying to eat well? You are a little better but nowhere near where you want to be with your health yet. You wonder if another test will find out what is wrong. But treating the test results doesn’t seem to do much. What is missing? Photo credit: Jose Navaro

In Japan every kid is taught in school byoukiwakikara which translates to “every disease starts with your emotions.”

I’m not saying it is your fault you are sick. On the flip side, your sickness is also not completely out of your control. The laws of nature (cause and effect) is that negative emotions produce frequencies, congestion, and even biological hormones and molecules that change your physical body in a bad way making it more prone to disease.

So the key to reversing disease is to strategically apply emotions that benefit health. We need to train your thinking to create health promoting emotions and to stop thoughts that are counterproductive. But you say to yourself, “how can I not worry about my health? I will be at peace once these symptoms are gone and my health is better.” It is understandable that your health concerns are scary, worrisome, and weigh on you.

I’ve been on a mission to guide my patients to understand and be willing to take the bold step to do the opposite of what they have been doing. Worrying actually does not make you better, it just gives you the illusion you have some control over what you feel you cannot control, such as your sickness. If you can choose to let the stress, worry, anger, fear, resentment, and disappointment go, you are choosing to put yourself on a “fast track” and “non-impeded” path to healing.

Sometimes it feels like if you stop thinking about your health or stop worrying about it, that you are giving up, being irresponsible, or letting the ball drop. This is not true. Just like you can do

-the action: of washing dishes

-and not think about if the dishes are clean enough for hours after you washed them.


You can also take

-the action: of taking supplements, eating well, going to your health appointments

-and not think about or worry your health so frequently.

It is difficult to do this, often because of how our nervous systems are programed and the difficult circumstances you are in. If you are willing, there are therapies I offer that can shift your nervous system to make controlling your emotions easier, so that you can put your physiology in the chemical state that speeds up healing. Pranic Healing also uses specific researched protocols that work on certain chakras, energy centers and organs in certain orders for certain specific health issues.

For example, if we need to work on the immune system, I work on strengthening the bone marrow because it produces the white blood cells. The basic chakra controls the bone marrow and needs to be worked on. The lymphatic system is important to clear out the viruses, bacteria, mold and toxins and is controlled by the throat chakra which we also work on for the immune system.

You may have noticed that if you are more stressed, have a disagreement with someone, overwhelmed or have difficulty saying no, that you are more susceptible to getting sick. How this is connected is because basic chakra is about feeling safe, belonging, OK and calm. The throat chakra is about being understood, heard, able to express yourself, or say no when you need to. This is an example of how the mind and body are related. Healing the parts of the body through Pranic Healing give double benefit because they help with your physical issues with an added benefit of improved emotional life.

There are protocols for almost every health condition and I feel so blessed to get to practice these additional tools. They have resulted in healing in even some of the more complicated cases. Please reach out to me and I would be happy to discuss how to specifically help your situation.