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Worry and Fears about Your Health Issues

Is Fear about your Health Condition Overwhelming you?

Of course, no one wants to have a health issue or have to deal with it. The physical suffering is painful, but for some, the emotional worry that comes along with it, can be paralyzing. Some of my patients tell me that no matter how hard they try, some thoughts just come and they cannot get rid of them.

-What if it gets worse?

-What if I’m going to be like this forever?

-Last time I had a health issue was a bad experience and I’m afraid it’s going to turn into that.

-What if no doctor can help me?

-Do these symptoms mean there is something wrong with me?

-I have discomfort here… what if it is this______ condition?

-what if I’m going to get worse?

Do you think these thoughts have a positive or negative impact on your outcome?

Why do we even have these thoughts? Our bodies know something is wrong and is programmed to problem Nervous System Balancing. Energy Work from the Comfort of Your Home solve and to fix. Fear is an instinctual survival mechanism, that works as a warning that something is wrong. Back hundreds of years as hunter gatherers, fear worked to alert us to survive, and run away from danger. Physical movement such as running detoxifies the “fight and flight” hormones such as cortisol.  Therefore, back in the day after people “ran”, their bodies returned back to baseline.

Today we often sit in worry without the need to physically “run”, and so cortisol stays in the system longer, giving a prolonged sense of anxiety or doom. Fear may have been an instinctual way to handle problems as a child or modeled by adults who raised you. We all want to do something to make it better, and there is a false subconscious feeling that if we think about the problem and worry, it will somehow mean you’re keeping tabs on it. And somehow control it. But this is not true.

Fear is a conversation you have with yourself that only gives you distress. Faith liberates and heals.

So how do you get out of anxiety or worry mode?

When you are at peace and relaxed there is less inflammation, your hormones are more balanced, your immune system works more optimally, it is easier to gain muscle mass, your body is more alkaline, and your body has the ability to heal faster. We all want to do something to make it better.

Sometimes not worrying feels like you’re accepting your fate and giving up. That is why it is so hard to let go. When you let go of stress, you are not resigning your goal to get better. But when you let go of stress, you are letting go of emotions that make you sick. This is what you can do. Think thoughts that make you well. It is doing something good.

Some patients are aware of everything I just said, but have difficulty controlling their thoughts. The anxiety seems to be a state that the body seems locked in. I can help you re-set your nervous system, and release deep seated emotions from certain organs or areas of the body. Many patients are amazed at the shift they feel after a session. They feel so much lighter, freer, calmer, happier and that what they need to deal with is now manageable and solvable. Some of the energy work can even be targeted to accelerate healing of certain physical conditions. Please reach out if I can support you this way, or if you have any questions how this can work for your specific situation.

“Faith and Fear both demand you believe in something you cannot see. You choose.”

-Bob Proctor