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What is True Freedom

Happy Memorial Day! As we remember those who have fought for our country’s freedom today, it can also be a time to reflect on the health of our personal freedom.

-Do you feel like you have freedom?

-Does your health keep you from being a part of what means the most to you?

-Do you feel trapped by your own thoughts in your head and desire emotional freedom?

-Is something in your life not OK, but you’ve allowed it to continue?

-Is there something you desire, but you feel it is impossible to have?

If you are doing fantastic, I am so happy for you. If you are struggling, know that this too will pass. The first step in change is realizing that you want something to be different. I’ve found 2 roadblocks to getting what you desire, and if these are overcome, it is so easy for good things, like health, weight loss, freedom from anxiety/depression, improved relationships, and financial abundance be possible. Let’s overcome the 2 roadblocks.

1.     Lack of follow through. What is true freedom? Is it to do whatever you want, whenever you want? Maybe not. If a kid wants to stick their fingers into the electric outlet, they will get hurt, you tell them no. As adults, true freedom is having the discipline to do what leads us to lasting happiness, satisfaction, and purpose. Having the ability to say no to food cravings will help you feel better and look better. Giving up the comfort of watching TV and going for a walk will give you more energy. Having the ability to stop negative spiraling thought patterns will allow you to get out suffering sooner. Having the ability to think thoughts that serve you will get you want you truly want so much faster.

2.     Lack of control over your feelings and thoughts. Many of you have tried therapy for years talking about the same sort of things but don’t feel it really works. While helpful for insight and understanding about the situation, often our nervous systems are locked into programs since childhood.  Or traumas or negative experiences program our brains into either fight and flight (always being on guard, anxiety, protecting ourselves), or into freeze mode where we are paralyzed to move forward. Techniques that help rewire the nervous system is so helpful to making it so much easier to finally have control over your thoughts and emotions. Helping your nervous system feel safe to make change is what makes you able to change. If your brain wants to change, but your nervous system tells you it is not safe to, then the survival response wins and you are fighting yourself. The good news is there is a way to re-wire your brain to your advantage.

I encourage you to take some time for reflection this Memorial Day. You are worth it, beautiful, valued, important and deserving. You can have good things and good health. Summer is coming and a new season. It’s a good time to make some positive changes. Let me know if I can be of help to you in any way.